The music player app also offers multiple skins to improve the look. You can do this by clicking on the Groove Music icon to choose an app to replace it with, here choose the windows media player icon to make it the default music player.The impressive AutoDJ feature can create a perfect party playlist and turn your computer into a music jukebox. Now you only need to change the default app from Groove Music to Windows Media Player. Step 4: If it hasn’t been changed already Groove Music would be the default music player.

Click this tab and scroll down where you will find the music player section. Step 3: In the left panel you will find a default apps option. Step 2: You will find the System menu here with options like Display, notifications and Power will show up. Step 1: Go to the start menu and click on the settings app to run it. There are a variety of options available that are extremely useful and set Windows media player apart from other Media players available. Other than that you can alter the appearance of the Media player window using the color chooser option this will allow you to give a unique theme to your player’s window. The player also allows you to enhance sound according to your needs using the equalizer option. The files don’t necessarily need to be on your device even, it can play files directly streamed from the internet.

It plays all kinds of audios, videos and images. Windows media player is a complete player that fulfills all your media viewing needs. Part 1: Guide for How to Make Windows Media Player Default in Windows 10 4.6 Make Windows Media Player as Default.1.5 Apple Music vs iTunes Match vs Spotify.